all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 6DA 11 1 53.377295 -2.87067
L25 6DB 20 0 53.379133 -2.872451
L25 6DD 13 0 53.377337 -2.869527
L25 6DF 15 0 53.379292 -2.871612
L25 6DG 18 0 53.377629 -2.872901
L25 6DH 35 0 53.377768 -2.873565
L25 6DJ 14 0 53.378304 -2.87526
L25 6DL 20 0 53.378317 -2.875877
L25 6DN 19 0 53.379269 -2.873566
L25 6DP 20 0 53.37842 -2.874075
L25 6DQ 30 0 53.37725 -2.873104
L25 6DR 11 0 53.378817 -2.87025
L25 6DS 3 0 53.380729 -2.869326
L25 6DT 2 0 53.382195 -2.870499
L25 6DU 7 0 53.378763 -2.868941
L25 6DW 14 0 53.378872 -2.873798
L25 6DX 5 1 53.381381 -2.868648
L25 6DY 9 0 53.379747 -2.879514
L25 6DZ 5 0 53.379522 -2.878247
L25 6EA 5 0 53.380427 -2.870042